Branding Yourself

Branding Yourself

$15 $6

Category: Mindfulness

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Support your client to brand themselves right in the personal and professional world.

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The ability to be confident and sell your skills is an art. This art is an essential component to succeed in life. This guided Mindfulness Meditation script is useful to work with your client to modify internal core beliefs and raise feelings of self-confidence. The script includes powerful techniques to create a space of self-acceptance, love, faith, and self-esteem to connect deeply with self and the world. The rewiring of the mind brings a focus on one’s best qualities thereby making a person believe better in self.

The Matrrix Guided Mindfulness Meditation Scripts are designed to support counselors, psychologists, nurses, hypnotherapists, Mindfulness Practitioners, and more in their professional practice. Clients gain suggestions to overcome problems, manage reactions, and find eternal inner peace.